Using CDONTS on Windows 2003 Server?
When using CDONTS on windows 2003 you recieve the following error message
Server object error ‘ASP 0177 : 800401f3’
Server.CreateObject Failed
.asp, line ‘x’
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 no longer supports Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for NTS (CDONTS). Therefore, applications that use CDONTS will not function on Windows Server 2003.
Windows Server 2003 provides improved alternatives to CDONTS. To make CDONTS functioning on a Windows Server 2003-based computer, use one of the following solutions:
OPTION 1 (if you need CDONTS):
1. Download CDONTS.ZIP file from here . Once you have downloaded it unzip the CDONTS.DLL and put it into %systemroot%system32 folder (C:Windowssystem32 by default).
You can also find CDONTS.DLL from your Windows 2000 CD if you have one.
2. Register CDONTS.DLL on your server using the following command:
regsvr32 “%systemroot%system32cdonts.dll”
3. Once registered CDONTS.DLL you will need to make sure that Microsoft SMTP service is installed and running.
OPTION 2 (using CDOSYS):
Instead of using CDONTS use CDOSYS
Code example:
Set m = CreateObject(“CDO.Message”) m.From = “” m.To = “” m.Subject = “test 1” m.TextBody = “hello there” m.send
More Information
For more information please see;en-us;324649