ICS Solutions have revamped there SAF offering inline with the release of SharePoint 2010 in May. The SharePoint Adoption Framework 2010 now includes SharePoint 2010 support, additional options and exclusive access to Microsoft global adoption materials. Plus the following new features have been added to the framework:
- The new ‘strategy’ element of the SharePoint Adoption Framework helps your senior management understand the value and set policy on SharePoint usage.
- The ‘transition’ element now uniquely uses Microsoft global adoption materials to fit SharePoint into common workplace scenarios.
- The ‘technical’ element added to provide your technical team with the skills and support needed to facilitate initial installation and ongoing change.
- The ‘governance’ has now been integrated into all three SharePoint Adoption Framework components, providing strategy, business impact and operational governance.
- The ‘Program’ element use’s ICS Solutions many years of experience in reusable delivery patterns to help dramatically reduce the time, cost and risk of SharePoint adoption.
- Microsoft Business Value Planning Services (BVPS) and SharePoint Deployment Planning Services (SDPS) materials are now being used allowing end users to use their Microsoft SA vouchers for BVPS and SDPS.
To find out more about the SharePoint Adoption Framework 2010, you can read the brochure here – http://www.ics.net/downloads/SharePointAdoptionFrameworkbrochure.pdf
ICS Solutions will be launching their new and updated SharePoint Adoption Framework 2010 at the SharePoint Evolution Conference on the 19th April 2010, to find out more come and visit ICS Solutions at the SharePoint 2010 Evolution Conference on stand 15. (Find out more about the SharePoint Evolution Conference here – http://www.sharepointevolutionconference.com/)