I’m attending the SharePoint User Group UK Southampton event on the 24th May 2012
To sign up please do so here: http://suguk.org/forums/28683/ShowThread.aspx
Ian has an amazing line up with Steve Smith taking a presentation slot:
6:30pm “PowerShell to the people” – Chris McKinley
An introduction into using PowerShell to make your SharePoint life easier.
This session will give you a brief introduction into some of the things in SharePoint that are just easier to do with PowerShell. Whether it’s bulk editing of all your sites, automating tasks or finding out useful bits of farm information powershell has a trick for it.
7:15pm “Installing and Running SharePoint 2010 on Windows 8 with SQL 2012” – Nigel Price
In this presentation / demonstration I will show how you can install and run SharePoint 2010 on a Windows 8 Server and use SQL 2012 (also running on a Windows 8 Server) to store the SharePoint databases. Installing SharePoint 2010 on a Windows 8 Server is not as straightforward as you think!
7:45pm Break for a quick SharePint, in a very conveniently close bar!
8:15pm Steve Smith “Taking SharePoint from the Intranet to the Extranet”
In this session I will go through the architecture and methods to publish SharePoint to the outside world enabling people to access their content on the road or simply make you company blog available to the public. We will also look at using Microsoft’s TMG as a way to publish and secure your SharePoint environment.