
SharePoint Performance testing (Counters, IIS Logs, Load, Senario)

This blog contains information on how to performance test SharePoint 20102013, to benchmark the load the SharePoint farm is under.

Web Performance load testing:

These tools are used to create web test scenarios which then can be load tested with virtual users, usual these tools will provide information such as response times, failed pages, hits, bandwidth and user count.

Web Performance Pro http://www.webperformance.com/
Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/products/visual-studio-ultimate-2012


Web Log Analysing Tools

These are used to review the IIS web logs, providing information such as page views, hits, connected users, location of users and RPS

IIS Log Parser 2.2 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24659This is a command tool which extracts information into CSV files for  manipulation in excel.


This tool will provide RPS results and Page Views


Usage with SharePoint http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=f159af68-c3a3-413c-a3f7-2e0be6d5532e&displaylang=en&tm

AWSTATS http://awstats.sourceforge.net/This is a web based tool 

This tool will only provide Hourly page view and hits rather than RPS  and page viewsec


Performance Monitor

Performance monitor is used to capture the performance state of the system whilst the performance tests are running, this allows us to understand what load the servers are under and helps us to understand the limits of the environment and when the farm should be increased.

Counters to capture ever 1 secondEach Web SharePoint ServerASP.NET  Applications(__Total__)Requests/Sec

Processor(_Total)%  Processor Time

SharePoint  Foundation(_Total)Current Page Requests

Web  Service(_Total)Current Anonymous Users

Web  Service(_Total)Current Connections

MemoryAvailable   MBytes

Memory%  Committed Bytes In Use

Web  Service(_Total)ISAPI Extension Requests/sec

Web  Service(_Total)Current ISAPI Extension Requests

SharePoint  Publishing Cache(_Total)Publishing cache hit ratio

SharePoint  Publishing Cache(_Total)Total number of cache compactions


Each App SharePoint Server

Processor(_Total)%  Processor Time

MemoryAvailable   MBytes

Memory%  Committed Bytes In Use

Search  Gatherer – SearchPointServerSearchDocuments  Filtered

Search  Gatherer – SearchPointServerSearchDocuments  Filtered Rate

Search  Gatherer – SearchPointServerSearchPerformance  Level

Search  Gatherer – SearchPointServerSearchThreads  Accessing Network


SQL Server:

Processor%Processor  time_total

MemoryAvailable   MBytes

Memory%  Committed Bytes In Use

PhysicalDiskDisk Read/sec_Total

PhysicalDiskDisk Write/sec_Total




Using the information gathered from the tools above we can then gather the test information and align to the optimal performance zones into Green and Red zone limits.

Typically you would want to fall within the Green Zone and only the Red Zone when the traffic generated is unexpected

Green Zone Red Zone
Web Server CPU <60% averagePage Response <1000ms for 75% CPU <80%Page Response <3000ms for 75%No 500 errors

0.1% page failure rate

Concurrent Users(test tool) Number of concurrent users running a scenario test
Processor%Processor time_total(performance monitor) The % Processor Time counter measures the percentage of elapsed time  that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread
Memory AvailableMemoryAvailable Mbytes(Performance Monitor)



Available MBytes counter to measure the  amount of physical memory in MB immediately available for allocation to a  process or for system use
Page Response Times(test tool) Time in milliseconds to return a page
Request Per Second(test tool and IIS logs) Number of requests the farm is performing in a second
Page views Per Second(test tool) Number of pages return in a second
Database Server CPU <50% CPU <80%
Processor%Processor time_total(performance monitor)  The % Processor Time counter measures the percentage of elapsed time  that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread
PhysicalDiskDisk Read/sec_Total(Performance monitor) Number of disk reads per second
PhysicalDiskDisk Write/sec_Total(performance monitor) Number of disk writes per second
Physical Disk IOPS Adding both readwrite per second = IOPS


Analysis Tools

PAL Download: http://pal.codeplex.com/releases/view/51623, Documentation: http://pal.codeplex.com/

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