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Continue ReadingAuthor: Luke Smith
I’ve been working with Microsoft Technologies for over 20 years, my main focus now being Microsoft Online Services. I manage the Cloud Services at ElysianIT Limited and as a P-SELLER at Microsoft. I have worked with many organisations from SMC to Enterprise.
I’ve been working with Microsoft Technologies since DOS 5.0, to date I have been working on Microsoft’s latest cloud technology Windows Azure, Windows 10 Office 365 and Microsoft SharePoint
Windows Azure against Amazon
Key points that differentiate Windows Azure against Amazon; Best platform for Microsoft applications and databases Best support for Oracle Best dev-test solution Best hybrid solution Best price for performance
Continue ReadingConfused Ireland in North Europe and Netherlands in West Europe ???
Not sure why Microsoft placed Ireland in North Europe and Netherlands in West Europe, as that’s most confusing Here is a current list of the Windows Azure Data Centers (current as of Nov 2013) GEO
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