Windows Azure has now added the ability to de-allocate the compute to stop changes when a Virtual machine is shutdown in the control panel.. Note that this will remove any IP’s assigned, so be careful
Continue ReadingAuthor: Luke Smith
I’ve been working with Microsoft Technologies for over 20 years, my main focus now being Microsoft Online Services. I manage the Cloud Services at ElysianIT Limited and as a P-SELLER at Microsoft. I have worked with many organisations from SMC to Enterprise.
I’ve been working with Microsoft Technologies since DOS 5.0, to date I have been working on Microsoft’s latest cloud technology Windows Azure, Windows 10 Office 365 and Microsoft SharePoint
Enable RBS and FILESTREAM in SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server 2013
Enable RBS and FILESTREAM in SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server 2013 For information please see: To change the minimum blob size used to store on the filing system please use the following command $cbd
Continue ReadingICS Cloud day Seminar – 29 May, All Day, Basingstoke
Cloud Day Seminar – 29 May, All Day, Basingstoke Book here: ICS Solutions, the UK’s leading Microsoft Cloud partner, invites you to spend a ‘Day in the Cloud’ where you will discover how next
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